
Thursday, 29 May 2014

                                                      What Room 2 has been up to...
Room 2 at their bike session

Room 2 had a series of bike sessions during the start of the term. They also had a bike session a couple of days ago. A lady from Kiwi Sports was their coach who helped. She set up a series of obstacles on the courts which included biking around in circles with a traffic light flicking from green to orange to red. Room 2 students brought their own bikes and helmets. When raining, they would hold their bike session in the hall. Overall, the Room 2 students found it really fun and enjoyable.

The Golden Tree
They played a series of physical games like Nemo tag. It started with two taggers and lots of people in a large square. They have to run around like a seagull and try to not be tagged by the two taggers. 

Room 2 has also done many wonderful pieces of artwork, like the drawing of the weta. They studied the picture of a weta carefully and made note that they had an abdomen, a thorax, 6 legs and 2 antennae. With all the information they started to draw their own weta. They look terrific! During class, they also did another art piece called the Golden Tree. This can be found displayed on the outside of Room 2.
The Weta Drawing

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Room 1

Room 1 
Room 1 has been learning about Pukeiti, the temperate rainforest. As part of this they have been to Puke Ariki, completed artwork and learnt many cool things. They have learnt about the Rata Tree and have drawn one each. They have completed collages of the Kereru (wood pigeon). They have also started some art on wetas which they are learning about.

We asked some of the kids what they thought the Rainforest was before they had learnt about it...
Charlie B thought that it was a forest with rain.
Jaxon thought that there were lots of monkeys and trees.
Oliver thought there were terrible tigers in it.
We also asked some of the kids what they have learnt and what was their favourite part.
Blake said "I liked drawing the Rata Tree and learning about the Giant Rata." 
Oliver said "I liked doing the wood pigeon art and learnt that they eat berries."
Kate said "I liked learning about the trees and my favourite was going to Puke Ariki and making my own golden tree."

Room 1 loves learning about their topic! Way to go Mrs Stuck!

- Alexandra and Tayla 

                                          Pigeon Collages  

                                     Layers of Pukeiti

                         The Rata Tree
